近日,Molecular Plant分别以通信和研究论文形式在线发表了华南农大高立志老师研究团队和安徽农大茶树资源与分子生物学国家重点实验室宛晓春老师和韦朝领老师团队的染色体级别茶树参考基因组研究成果。
In conclusion, we have first generated a highly contiguous and accurate tea tree genome assemblyof C. sinensis var. sinensis cv. Biyun using SMRT technology, which is muchmore improved. This effort has added one more successful example that sequencingthe highly repetitive and heterozygous and relatively large tea tree genome maybe achieved using high-depth long SMRT reads to resolve ambiguous genomicregions harboring predominantly repetitive sequences. The exceptionallycontiguous and precise genome assembly of the tea tree is powerful to fullyidentify all types of long LTR retrotransposons and almost entirelycharacterize the abundance of retrotransposon diversity to resolve the natureof repetitive landscape of such a large genome. The evolutionary history ofvery recently augmented LTR retrotransposon families, which have not been doneever before, could now be tracked genome-wide by dating bursts ofnon-autonomous LTR retrotransposons and undertaking their interaction withautonomous LTR retrotransposons, afterwards driving the genome size evolution.Such a high-quality reference genome of the tea tree is timely and willtherefore be welcome to the broad tea research community, which is essential toenable researchers to accurately obtain functionally significant gene familiesthat not only involve in the biosynthesis of numerous metabolites but alsodetermine agronomically important traits relevant to the improvement of teaquality and production.
Tea plant is animportant economic crop, which produces the world’s oldest and widely consumedtea beverages. We here present a high-quality reference genome of the tea plant(Camellia sinensis var. sinensis) consisting of 15 pseudo-chromosomes, 70.38%of which are LTR retrotransposons. We show the evidence that LTR-RTs playcritical roles in the genome size expansion and transcriptional diversificationof tea plant genes through preferential gene insertions in promoter regions andintrons. Genes, particularly those for terpene biosynthesis, associated withtea aroma and stress resistance are significantly amplified forming geneclusters through recent tandem duplications in the tea plant genome.Phylogenetic analyses of the sequences of 81 tea plant accessions of diverseorigins revealed three well-differentiated tea plant populations, supportingthe proposition for the southwest origin of the cultivated tea plants in Chinaand its later spreading to western Asian through introduction. Domesticationand modern breeding left significant signatures on hundreds of genes in the teaplant genome, particularly those associated with tea quality and stressresistance. The genomic sequences of the reported reference and resequenced teaplant accessions provided valuable resources for future functional genomic andbreeding research of tea plants and understanding the genome evolution offlowering plants.